Record Voice Memos to Dropbox
Update to the latest version to fix uploading issues
User Guide
Using RecUp

Tap the red button to start recording.  Double-tap to pause or single-tap to stop and have the recording automatically upload to Dropbox

Features and Benefits
  • Universal app, running equally well on iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad.
  • MP3 audio files sound great while saving bandwidth and Dropbox storage.
  • Accessible with VoiceOver for the visually impaired.

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The Intention Behind RecUp

Imagine if your digital camera stopped and asked you to name each photo after you took it or popped up a file system for you to choose where to save it. This is how most voice recorders work on iOS; always getting in your way.

RecUp is streamlined to record and upload voice memos to Dropbox; there’s no need to name files or choose where to send them. If you need more control, RecUp might not be right for you, but I encourage you to consider how I use RecUp.

I tried a lot of recorders and all felt needlessly complex, so I wrote RecUp to scratch my own itch. I find peace and comfort in the simplicity of its workflow. Peace comes from getting things off my mind as I quickly capture ideas when waking up, reminders while getting into my car, or insights when reading articles. Comfort comes from knowing that these snippets are in my Dropbox so I can process them when I'm ready. Part of my morning routine involves listening to everything I captured from the day before.

I have personally found many benefits by embracing this workflow:

  • Recording all my ideas seems to encourage more and better ideas to flow.
  • Reviewing tasks in audio format forces me to focus on one thing at a time.
  • Letting a task sit for a few hours before taking action can often bring further insight or even render the task unnecessary.
  • Listening to audio reveals the emotion and energy behind a thought, which might be lost if I just typed it into a note or to-do app.
  • Sharing an audio file with Dropbox can be much easier and more effective than sending an email.
What People Are Saying
A friction-free way to record audio straight to your Dropbox
Simple and effective, just how we like ’em.
Adam Pash,
…the next best thing to an actual dictaphone.
Apps Magazine